:root {
--lh-red: #c0392b;
--lh-blue: #2980b9;
--lh-green: #27ae60;
--lh-dark-green: #16a085;
--lh-purple: #8e44ad;
--lh-orange: #e67e22;
--lh-yellow: #f1c40f;
--lh-paper-bg: 255, 251, 240;
--lh-string-color: 192, 57, 43;
--lh-book-color: var(--gray-monochrome);
--lh-tape-color: 90,90,90,0.3;
--lh-white-bg: 249,249,249;
--lh-dark-bg: 50, 50, 50;
--lh-highlighter: var(--bright-accent);
--lh-border-color: var(--gray-monochrome);
--lh-wiki-note-color: var(--bright-accent)
* 旧代码合集
* 为了向下兼容而保留
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* 便签纸
* notepaper
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background: linear-gradient(rgb(var(--lh-paper-bg)) 95%, #ddd 0);
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background-size: 100% 2em;
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border: 2em solid rgb(var(--lh-paper-bg));
box-shadow: 0 0.1rem 0.3rem rgba(0,0,0,0.2);
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box-sizing: border-box;
position: relative
.notepaper p {
margin: 0;
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letter-spacing: 0.1rem;
line-height: inherit
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width: 90%
@media screen and (min-width:768px){
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width: 50%
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width: 75%
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font-size: 13px
.notepaper.with-string::before {
content: '';
width: 0.5em;
height: 6rem;
background: rgb(var(--lh-string-color));
top: -2rem; right: -1rem;
display: block;
position: absolute;
box-shadow: 0 0.1em 0.2em rgba(0,0,0,0.2);
clip-path: polygon(-100% -100%,100% 0%,100% 100%,50% 98%,0% 100%);
.notepaper.with-tape::before {
content: '';
border: 1px solid #ddd;
background: rgba(var(--lh-tape-color));
width: 1.5em;
height: 4em;
transform: rotate(45deg);
display: block;
position: absolute;
top: -3em;
left: -1.8em
.notepaper.tight.with-string::before {
top: -1rem;
right: -0.25rem;
.notepaper.tight.with-tape::before {
top: -2.5em;
left: -1.3em
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width: 70%
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content: counter(page);
display: block;
text-align: center
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counter-reset: page;
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width: 100%
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width: 50%
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background: rgb(var(--lh-book-color));
padding: 0.5rem;
box-shadow: 0 0.1rem 0.2rem rgba(0,0,0,0.2);
border-radius: 5px;
margin: 1rem auto
@media screen and (min-width: 768px) {
.book-wrapper .notepaper {
margin: 0
* 文字修饰
.text-highlighted {
position: relative
.text-highlighted::before {
content: "";
position: absolute;
height: 0.9em;
bottom: 2px;
left: -2px;
width: 105%;
z-index: -1;
background-color: rgb(var(--lh-highlighter));
opacity: .6;
transform: skew(-15deg);
transition: opacity .2s ease;
border-radius: 3px 8px 10px 6px;
transition: 0.1s ease background-color;
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text-decoration: underline;
text-underline-offset: 4px;
text-decoration-thickness: 2px;
text-decoration-color: rgb(var(--lh-highlighter))
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text-decoration: underline wavy;
text-underline-offset: 4px;
text-decoration-color: rgb(var(--lh-highlighter))
.text-squared {
display: inline-block;
border: 2px solid rgb(var(--lh-highlighter));
border-radius: 100%;
box-sizing: border-box
.text-squared { border-radius: 0 }
.text-shadow { text-shadow: 0.075em 0.075em 0 rgb(var(--lh-highlighter)) }
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.text-underlined.td-red, .text-wavy.td-red { text-decoration-color: var(--lh-red) }
.text-highlighted.td-blue::before { background: var(--lh-blue) }
.text-circled.td-blue, .text-squared.td-blue { border-color: var(--lh-blue) }
.text-underlined.td-blue, .text-wavy.td-blue { text-decoration-color: var(--lh-blue) }
.text-highlighted.td-green::before { background: var(--lh-green) }
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.text-underlined.td-green, .text-wavy.td-green { text-decoration-color: var(--lh-green) }
.text-highlighted.td-darkgreen::before { background: var(--lh-dark-green) }
.text-circled.td-darkgreen, .text-squared.td-darkgreen { border-color: var(--lh-dark-green) }
.text-underlined.td-darkgreen, .text-wavy.td-darkgreen { text-decoration-color: var(--lh-dark-green) }
.text-highlighted.td-purple::before { background: var(--lh-purple) }
.text-circled.td-purple, .text-squared.td-purple { border-color: var(--lh-purple) }
.text-underlined.td-purple, .text-wavy.td-purple { text-decoration-color: var(--lh-purple) }
.text-highlighted.td-yellow::before { background: var(--lh-yellow) }
.text-circled.td-yellow, .text-squared.td-yellow { border-color: var(--lh-yellow) }
.text-underlined.td-yellow, .text-wavy.td-yellow { text-decoration-color: var(--lh-yellow) }
.text-highlighted.td-orange::before { background: var(--lh-orange) }
.text-circled.td-orange, .text-squared.td-orange { border-color: var(--lh-orange) }
.text-underlined.td-orange, .text-wavy.td-orange { text-decoration-color: var(--lh-orange) }
/* 隐藏文字 */
.text-blank { color: rgba(0,0,0,0) }
.text-block {
background: rgb(var(--black-monochrome));
color: rgb(var(--black-monochrome));
.text-blur {
filter: blur(0.3em);
-webkit-filter: blur(0.3em)
.text-selectback {
transition-duration: 0.3s;
transition-property: background, transform, color
.text-blank.text-selectback *::selection { color: rgb(var(--black-monochrome)) }
.text-block.text-hoverback:hover { background: transparent!important }
.text-block.text-selectback *::selection { color: rgb(var(--white-monochrome, 255, 255, 255)) }
.text-blur.text-hoverback:hover { filter: blur(0)!important; -webkit-filter: blur(0)!important }
* 附加项
.with-border, .with-box-style { border: 1px solid rgb(var(--bright-accent)) }
.with-border-dark { border: 1px solid rgb(var(--black-monochrome)) }
.with-border-light { border: 1px solid rgb(var(--white-monochrome)) }
.with-border-thick { border-width: 2px }
.with-shadow-sm { box-shadow: 0 0 0.1em rgba(0,0,0,0.2) }
.with-shadow { box-shadow: 0 0.1em 0.2em rgba(0,0,0,0.2) }
.with-shadow-lg { box-shadow: 0 0.15em 0.3em rgba(0,0,0,0.2) }
.with-shadow-xl { box-shadow: 0 0.2em 0.5em rgba(0,0,0,0.2) }
.with-shadow-xxl { box-shadow: 0 0.25em 0.8em rgba(0,0,0,0.2) }
.with-padding, .with-box-style { padding: 0.25em 1em }
.with-p-sm { padding: 0.125em 0.5em }
.with-p-lg { padding: 0.5em 2em }
.with-margin, .with-box-style { margin: 1em auto }
.with-m-sm { margin: 0.5em auto }
.with-m-lg { margin: 2em auto }
.with-narrow-width {
width: 90%!important;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto
@media screen and (min-width: 768px) {
.with-narrow-width { width: 75%!important }
[class*="with-bg-"], [class*="with-bg-"] h1 { color: #fff!important }
.with-bg-red { background: var(--lh-red)!important }
.with-bg-blue { background: var(--lh-blue)!important }
.with-bg-green { background: var(--lh-green)!important }
.with-bg-darkgreen { background: var(--lh-dark-green)!important }
.with-bg-yellow { background: var(--lh-yellow)!important }
.with-bg-orange { background: var(--lh-orange)!important }
.with-bg-purple { background: var(--lh-purple)!important }
* 删除类
.offwith-shadow { box-shadow: none!important }
.offwith-border { border: none!important }
.offwith-padding, .offwith-pam { padding: 0!important }
.offwith-margin, .offwith-pam { margin: 0!important }
.offwith-width-limit {
width: auto;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto
div[class*="grider"].offwith-grid-gap { grid-gap: 0 }
* 网格布局
/* Gridder 容器 */
div[class*="gridder"] {
display: grid;
box-sizing: border-box;
grid-gap: 1rem;
padding: 0
div[class*="gridder"] * { box-sizing: border-box }
.gridder, .gridder-col-2 {
grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr;
.gridder-col-3 {
grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr);
.gridder-col-4 {
grid-template-columns: repeat(4, 1fr);
@media screen and (min-width: 768px) {
.pc-gridder, .pc-gridder-col-2 {
grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr;
.pc-gridder-col-3 {
grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr);
.pc-gridder-col-4 {
grid-template-columns: repeat(4, 1fr);
.spanner, .spanner-2 {
grid-column-start: span 2;
.spanner-3 {
grid-column-start: span 3;
* 告示组件
.signblock-warn {
margin: 1rem auto;
box-shadow: 0 0.1rem 0.3rem rgba(0,0,0,0.4);
background: rgb(var(--lh-white-bg));
font-size: 1.05rem;
padding: 2rem
@media screen and (min-width: 768px) {
.signblock-warn {
width: 75%
.signblock-dark h1 {
background: rgb(var(--lh-dark-bg));
color: #fff
.signblock-warn h1 {
background: var(--lh-red);
color: #fff
.signblock h1,
.signblock-dark h1,
.signblock-warn h1 {
text-align: center;
font-size: 2rem;
margin: 0;
font-weight: 700
.signblock-img {
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
justify-content: center
.signblock-img img {
width: 8em
.signblock-footer {
font-size: 0.9em;
text-align: center;
margin: 0.5rem 0;
font-weight: bolder;
display: block
* 报告
.reportblock-dark {
border: 2px solid rgb(var(--lh-border-color));
box-shadow: 0 0.1rem 0.2rem rgba(0,0,0,0.3);
background: rgb(var(--white-monochrome));
padding: 0.8rem 1.5rem;
padding-bottom: 0.4rem;
margin: 1.5rem auto;
margin-bottom: 1rem;
position: relative
.reportblock hr,
.reportblock-dark hr {
background-color: rgb(var(--lh-border-color));
margin-left: -1.5rem;
margin-right: -1.5rem
.reportblock h1:first-child,
.reportblock-dark h1:first-child {
position: absolute;
top: -1rem;
left: 1.5rem;
font-size: 110%;
font-weight: 600;
background: rgb(var(--lh-border-color));
color: #fff;
padding: 0.2rem 0.5rem;
margin: 0;
.reportblock-dark h1 {
border-color: rgb(var(--lh-white-bg));
background: rgb(var(--lh-dark-bg));
color: #fff
.reportblock-dark hr {
background-color: rgb(var(--lh-white-bg));
/* 更好的折叠框 */
.bettercollap {
margin: 1em 0;
.bettercollap .collapsible-block {
width: auto;
overflow: hidden;
border: 1px solid rgb(var(--lh-border-color))
.bettercollap .collapsible-block-content,
.bettercollap .collapsible-block-link {
background: rgb(var(--white-monochrome));
padding: 0.5em
.bettercollap .collapsible-block-content {
padding-left: 1em;
padding-right: 1em
.bettercollap .collapsible-block-link {
color: rgb(var(--lh-border-color));
background: rgb(var(--white-monochrome));
transition: .3s;
display: block;
.bettercollap .collapsible-block-link:hover,
.bettercollap .collapsible-block-unfolded .collapsible-block-link,
.styledcollap.bettercollap .collapsible-block-link {
color: rgb(var(--white-monochrome));
background: rgb(var(--lh-border-color))!important;
text-decoration: none
.bettercollap .collapsible-block-link:hover a { color: rgb(var(--white-monochrome)) }
.bettercollap .collapsible-block-link::before {
content: "\25BC";
display: inline-block;
margin-right: 0.5em;
transform: rotate(-90deg) scale(0.9)
.bettercollap .collapsible-block-unfolded .collapsible-block-link::before {
transform: rotate(0) scale(0.9)
.bettercollap .collapsible-block + .collapsible-block { border-top: none }
.styledcollap.bettercollap .collapsible-block {
border-radius: 2px;
box-shadow: 0 0.1rem 0.2rem rgba(0,0,0,0.3)
.styledcollap.bettercollap .collapsible-block-content {
background-color: rgb(var(--pale-gray-monochrome));
border-width: 3px
.styledcollap.bettercollap .collapsible-block-link:hover {
background: rgba(var(--lh-border-color),0.95)!important;
* 提示框
.infoblock {
color: #f1f1f1;
font-weight: bold;
background: #424242;
padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px;
border-radius: 4px;
margin: -0.5rem 0 1rem 0;
display: block;
width: fit-content;
padding-right: 25px;
.infoblock::before {
content: "ⓘ "
* 单页迭代
.offset-page:not(:target), .offset-page:target ~ div#u-default-page { display: none }
.offset-page:target { display: block }
What's This?
Layout Helpers are CSS components made by Eltrac, intending to provide authors (or newbies to wiki) who are not familiar with coding with an easy-to-use layout tool so that they can prettify their articles with ease.
This component packages many frequently-used elements in Backrooms Wikidot, such as note paper and hidden documents. With this component, you can also create iterations without fragment pages, which can somehow serve as a substitute for the complicated Listpage Iterations. In addition, the component contains advanced tools such as grid layout and additional classes as well, helping to make your article more expressive.
For those who're familiar with CSS, these stuff are maybe only insignificant skills that are not worth being made into a component, but please remember that these are prepared for people who know nothing about coding.
How to Use?
To import the component, just put the following code at the top of your article:
[[include :backrooms-wiki:component:layout-helpers]]
But what this can do is only import CSS codes. To use the component, please read the following texts.
Basic Knowledge of Relevant Syntax
This section is for those who are unfamiliar with <div> and <span> syntax of wikidot. So if you have got to know about <div> and <span> tags and can add classes for them, just skip to the next section.
What's a Tag?
Tag is an identifier of creating an element, which comes from HTML. In wikidot syntax, <div> tags and <span> tags can be created in a similar way.
Tags are usually composed of four parts: start tag, argument, content, and end tag. Start tag and end tag are essential.
[[div]] <- This is a start tag
...... <- This is content
[[/div]] <- This is a end tag
As you can see, both start tag and end tag are enclosed by two square brackets, and the word in the brackets is the Tag Name. The only difference between start tag and end tag is that the latter's tag name is preceded by a slash (/). It should be noted that, all the tags should start with a start tag and end with an end tag, and what lies between them is the content of the tag.
What's an Argument?
If you used collapsibles before, then maybe you have noticed that you can customize the text of the collapsible title when it is unfolded or folded, just like this:
[[collapsible show="show something" hide="hide something"]]
In this case, show and hide are just the arguments of the collapsible tag. Show refers to the text displayed when the collapsible is folded, while hide refers to the text displayed when the collapsible is unfolded. From this example, we can learn that:
- An argument can expand the function of a tag
- An argument defines a particular value of a tag
- An argument must be written in start tag in the form of [ Argument="Value" ]
- An argument must be placed after the name of the tag
- An argument must be separated from other arguments by a space
What Are Block and Inline Elements?
These are conceptions from web front-end. But don't worry, they're not hard to understand.
Firstly we need to make it clear that, elements are results of tags. After we write a tag, the browser will render them into an element. Take div and span above as examples: div is a block element, while span is an inline element.
Block Elements usually are independent paragraphs that won't share their places with other block elements (save for some special situations). In front-end development, block elements have some limit in terms of CSS arguments, but these are not the point here.
Inline Elements, just as their name suggests, are elements placed within a paragraph. From another perspective, you can take them as sub-elements of block elements. Texts we input in wikidot will be put into a <p> tag which is a block element, so the texts we wrtie can be understood as inline elements.
For instance, here's a quote block:
A quote block itself is a block element, but I am an inline element.
If it's still tricky for you, just remember: <div> is block element, <span> is inline element. When you're creating a box or container, you need a <div>; when you're adding stylings to specific texts, you need a <span>.
Common Tags and Arguments
<div> and <span>
In wikidot syntax, the start tag, content and end tag of a <div> should be written in different paragraghs. Just like this:
[[div class="example"]]
In comparison, the start tag, content and end tag of a <span> can be written in a same paragragh. Just like this:
[[span class="example"]]content[[/span]]
Class Argument
Classes are used to create a set of rules that can be applied to different elements. In general, elements sharing equivalent classes will have same styling (or appearance) and features, which is especially important for this component.
When you add classes to an element, remember that multiple classes should be separated by space.
[[span class="example-1 example-2"]]This is an example.[[/span]]
Stlye Argument
Style argument enables you to add css stylings to a specific element, like this:
[[span style="color:#fff"]]I am a piece of white text[[/span]]
[[span style="background:#000"]]I am a piece of text whose background is black[[/span]]
If you're ignorant of CSS, then in most cases you won't use this argument.
CSS Module
CSS Module is part of wikidot syntax, which enables you to create CSS selectors and add arguments to them, like this:
[[module CSS]]
selector {
attribution: value
Later when we customize the color of some components, this may be useful.
Layout Elements Provided by The Site's Theme
The defalut theme of the site (Liminal Nuliminal) as well as most themes on wikidot have some preset DIVs that can be applied to your article, which can be used without importing Layout Helpers and are applicable to most situations. So before turning to Layout Helpers, maybe you can try these DIVs first. By the way, Layout Helpers are delibrately disigned not to duplicate them.
Following are just the DIVs provided by the default theme; for other themes, just refer to their pages.
[[div class="blockquote"]]
[[div class="lightblock"]]
[[div class="darkblock"]]
[[div class="styled-quote"]]
[[div class="dark-styled-quote"]]
Conventional Layout Tools
Text Decoration
Emphasized Text
When Layout Helpers are not imported, you can emphasize or decorate your text like this:
--This one is deleted--
__This one is underlined__
//This one is italic//
**This one is bolded**
{{This is mono font}}
This is a^^superscript^^
This is a,,subscript,,
This one is deleted
This one is underlined
This one is italic
This one is bolded
This is mono font
This is asuperscript
This is asubscript
After importing Layout Helpers, you'll have more ways to emphasize your text.
[[span class="text-highlighted"]]Highlighted text[[/span]]
[[span class="text-underlined"]]Underlined text[[/span]]
[[span class="text-wavy"]]Text underlined by wavy line[[/span]]
[[span class="text-circled"]]Circled text[[/span]] and uncircled text.
[[span class="text-squared"]]Text in frame[[/span]] and text out of frame.
[[span class="text-shadow"]]Text with shadow[[/span]]
Underlined text with thicker line, and the line is farther from the text, avoiding touching high letters like g and y.
Text underlined by wave line. It has the same thickness and distance from text as the above one.
Highlighted text, which looks like being marked by a highlighter.
Some circled text to mark mistakes or notable things.
Some framed text for those who hate circles.
Text with shadow, isn't this cool?
Hidden Text
You can hide some text to create a mysterious atmosphere.
[[span class="text-blank"]]Hidden text[[/span]]
[[span class="text-blank text-hoverback"]]Hidden text, but appears when being hovered[[/span]]
[[span class="text-blank text-selectback"]]Hidden text, but appears when being selected[[/span]]
[[span class="text-block"]]Covered text[[/span]]
[[span class="text-block text-hoverback"]]Covered text, but appear when being hovered[[/span]]
[[span class="text-block text-selectback"]]Covered text, but appears when being selected[[/span]]
[[span class="text-blur"]]Blurred text[[/span]]
[[span class="text-blur text-hoverback"]]Blurred text, but become clear when being hovered[[/span]]
Hidden text
Hidden text, but appears when being hovered
Hidden text, but appears when being selected
Covered text
Covered text, but appear when being hovered
Covered text, but appears when being selected
Blurred text
Blurred text, but become clear when being hovered
Info Block
This Info Block was originally designed by hoah2333, and was transplanted into Layout Hepers by Eltrac.
Info Block can be used to alert the readers for some potential sensitive content.
[[span class="infoblock"]]This article contains sensitive content, please read it at your own discretion.[[/span]]
This article contains sensitive content, please read it at your own discretion.
For more important alerts, you can use an additional class to change the Block's background color into conspicuous red.
[[span class="infoblock with-bg-red"]]This article contains sensitive content, please read it at your own discretion.[[/span]]
This article contains sensitive content, please read it at your own discretion.
Lined DIV with margins that appears to be letter paper. Can be used for diary or notes left by wanderers.
Conventional Note
[[div class="notepaper"]]
This is a conventional note
You can write on it with ordinary words
Bring in a very ordinary feeling
Narrower Note
[[div class="notepaper narrow"]]
This is a narrow note
You can write on it with narrow words
Bring in a very narrow feeling
Add narrow class to your note!
[[div class="notepaper wide"]]
This is a not so narrow note
You can write on it with not so narrow words
Bring in a not so narrow feeling
Add wide class to your note!
[[div class="notepaper narrow tight"]]
This is a narrow note where texts are arranged more tightly
You can write on it with more tighter words
Bring in a tighter feeling
Add tight class to your note!
Note With Tape
[[div class="notepaper narrow with-tape"]]
This is a note with tape
You can write on it with ordinary words
Bring in a special feeling
Add with-tape class to your note!
Note With String
[[div class="notepaper narrow with-string"]]
This is a note with string
You can write on it with somehow special but still ordinary words
Bring in a special feeling
Add with-string class to your note!
Note With Page Number
This is a note with page number
You can write on it with somehow special but still ordinary words
It has fixed hight and page number
Bring in a special feeling
Note with page number need two DIVs!
[[div class="notepaper page with-string"]]
[[div class="notepaper-content"]]
This is the second page
You can see the page number at bottom
And it counts automatically
All you need to do is to make divs
In general, all the notes with page number in your page will be counted for the number of each page
If you want to have multiple groups of notes with page number, just put them together into a div:
[[div class="notepaper-group book-pattern"]]
Your papers
This is a notebook
May be a good choice for diary
Two pages in a row
But if viewed from mobile phone screen, this will be literally the same as the ordinary notes with page number
To achieve this, just put all your notes with page number into this div
[[div class"notepaper-group book-pattern"]]
Your papers
Notebook With Cover
You can make a cover for your notebook
[[div class"notepaper-group book-pattern book-wrapper"]]
Your papers
要注意的是,notepaper-group 类会重置页面计数器,,如果你需要制作多个带有书衣的书页组,但并不希望他们的页数重新开始计数,可以这样做。
[[div class="notepaper-group"]]
[[div class="book-pattern book-wrapper"]]
[[div class="book-pattern book-wrapper"]]
书衣会自适应你所使用版式的 —gray-monochrone 变量,也就是说,在大部分情况下,书衣的颜色都不会与版式有太大差异。但对于不是用黑标版式修改的版式,或者在一些特殊情况下,你可能需要修改书衣的颜色。你可以这样做:
[[module CSS]]
:root {
--lh-book-color: 书衣的 rgb 颜色代码,类似 255,255,255 的形式
--lh-string-color: 隔离绳的 rgb 颜色代码,类似 255,255,255 的形式
[[div class="book-pattern book-wrapper" style="background: 颜色代码"]]
这样的缺点是没有办法修改隔离绳的颜色,所以不建议在这种情况下使用 with-string 类添加隔离绳。
维基笔记(Wiki Note)
这是 Wikidot 的一个原生元素,写法十分简易,用起来很方便,但它貌似被大多数版式作者和写手忘记了,很少被用到,于是我重写编写了它的样式,现在它可以当做一个方便的文档批注来使用。
[[include :backrooms-wiki-cn:component:layout-helpers |wiki-note=true]]
[[module CSS]]
:root {
--lh-note-title: "笔记,或者其他文字";
这段文字来自SUPER HOT编写的旅馆房间。
[[div class="signblock"]]
+* 标题
[[div class="signblock-img"]]
[[image http://natedagreat563.wdfiles.com/local--files/storage-unit/Meglogo]]
[[span class="signblock-footer"]]署名[[/span]]
给 div 加上 signblock-dark 即可获得以下效果。
[[div class="signblock signblock-dark"]]
+* 标题
[[div class="signblock-img" style="filter: invert(100%)"]]
[[image http://natedagreat563.wdfiles.com/local--files/storage-unit/Meglogo]]
[[span class="signblock-footer"]]署名[[/span]]
给 div 加上 signblock-warn 即可获得以下效果。
[[div class="signblock-warn"]]
+* 标题
[[div class="signblock-img" style="filter: invert(100%)"]]
[[image http://natedagreat563.wdfiles.com/local--files/storage-unit/Meglogo]]
[[span class="signblock-footer"]]署名[[/span]]
[[div class="reportblock"]]
+* 标题
不知道什么 实验报告
给 reportblock 加上 reportblock-dark 类,即可获得以下效果
[[div class="reportblock-dark"]]
+* 标题
不知道什么 实验报告
更好的折叠框(Better Collapsible)
[[div class="bettercollap"]]
[[collapsible show="展开内容" hide="收起内容"]]
[[div class="bettercollap"]]
[[collapsible show="展开内容" hide="收起内容"]]
[[collapsible show="展开内容" hide="收起内容"]]
[[collapsible show="展开内容" hide="收起内容"]]
为 bettercollap 元素添加 styledcollap 类可以让折叠框变得更美观。
[[div class="bettercollap styledcollap"]]
[[collapsible show="展开内容" hide="收起内容"]]
CSS 单页迭代(CSS Offset)
CSS 迭代与常规的 Listpages 迭代以及这个教程里的单页迭代不同,它更小巧,很容易上手,任何人都能用它来制作迭代。
迭代通常涉及到页面跳转,如果你在一篇文章里点开了一个链接,发现跳转到的是同一个链接,但连接后面多了一串 /offset/数字,你点开的就是迭代页,并且这种迭代是用 Listpages 模块实现的,也是最常见的迭代。这种迭代的操作较为繁琐,并且有一定的门槛,虽然功能比本组件提供的单页迭代要多不少,灵活性也更高,但对于新人来说不是一个值得挑战的对象。
要创建 CSS 迭代,你需要把每个页面的内容都用一个 DIV 装起来,为它们分别加上独一无二的 ID,并设置一个默认页面。注意要把默认的第一页放在最后,并且默认页不写 offset-page 类,只设置 ID 为 default-page,就像这样:
[[div class="offset-page" id="page-2"]]
我是页面 2
[[div class="offset-page" id="page-3"]]
我是页面 3
[[div id="default-page"]]
我是页面 1
然后,通过这样的超链接跳转到各个页面(注意在你设置的 id 前加上 #u-)。
[#u-default-page 跳转到页面 1]
[#u-page-2 跳转到页面 2]
[#u-page-3 跳转到页面 3]
[[div class="gridder"]]
在类名为 gridder 的容器下,所有的 DIV 都会按照预设好的方式排列。默认的是每行两个,当然也可以设置成其他的,比如每行三个。
[[div class="gridder gridder-col-3"]]
将 grider-col-3 中的 3 改为 4 就能一行显示四个,目前每行仅支持显示 2~4 个块。
注意是 gridder 不是 grider,其中的 d 要双写。
如果一行显示的块超过两个,在小屏幕下就会显得很挤,在类名前加上 pc- 前缀可以让 Gridder 仅在大屏幕(≥768px)上起作用,比如 pc-gridder-col-3。同时,你还可以同时使用两种类名,比如下面的代码就实现了在大屏幕下一行四个,小屏幕下一行两个的效果。
[[div class="gridder pc-gridder-col-4"]]
你还可以让 Gridder 里的格子进行”跨越“,也就是让某个格子比其他的宽。
[[div class="gridder-col-4"]]
[[div class="spanner" style="background:red"]]
[[div style="background:orange"]]
[[div style="background:yellow"]]
[[div style="background:green"]]
[[div class="spanner-3" style="background:blue"]]
其中,给 DIV 加上 spanner 或 spanner-2 类可以让它跨越两个格子,而 spanner-3 可以跨越三个。
附加类(With Patterns)
这里列出了一些可以给 div 或者 span 附加样式的类名,以 with- 开头,通常是添加边框和文字颜色的小改动,就不赘述,只列出可用的类名。
类名 |
适用于 |
效果 |
with-border |
div |
为元素添加宽度为 1px,颜色跟随 —bright-accent 的边框 |
with-border-dark |
div |
与 with-border 效果相同,但颜色为更深的 —black-monochrome |
with-border-light |
div |
与 with-border 效果相同,但颜色为更浅的 —white-monochrome |
with-border-thick |
div |
将边框宽度改为 2px,需与以上三个类中的任意一个同时使用 |
类名 |
适用于 |
效果 |
with-padding |
div |
为元素添加内边距,宽度为 1em,即一个字宽 |
with-margin |
div |
为元素添加竖直方向的外边距,宽度为 1em |
with-p-sm |
div |
元素内边距设置为 0.5em |
with-p-lg |
div |
元素内边距设置为 2em |
with-m-sm |
div |
元素外边距设置为 0.5em |
with-m-lg |
div |
元素外边距设置为 2em |
类名 |
适用于 |
效果 |
with-shadow |
div |
为元素添加阴影 |
with-shadow-sm |
div |
为元素添加较小的阴影 |
with-shadow-lg |
div |
为元素添加较大的阴影 |
with-shadow-xl |
div |
为元素添加更大的阴影 |
with-shadow-xxl |
div |
为元素添加最大的阴影 |
类名 |
适用于 |
效果 |
with-box-style |
div |
with-border、with-padding、with-margin 的组合简写法 |
with-narrow-width |
div |
将 div 块的宽度变为页面宽度的 75%,小屏幕为 90%,对文中诸如报告这样的 div 也有效,类似于便签的 narrow 类 |
with-bg-* |
div, span… |
为元素添加背景色,同时将文字颜色改为白色,将 * 替换成 red/blue/green/darkgreen/yellow/orange/purple 任意一个即可生效 |
删除类(Offwith Patterns)
类名 |
适用于 |
效果 |
offwith-shadow |
div |
删除阴影 |
offwith-border |
div |
删除边框 |
offwith-padding |
div |
删除内边距 |
offwith-margin |
div |
删除外边距 |
offwith-pam |
div |
offwith-padding 和 offwith-margin 的组合写法,pam 意为 padding and margin |
offwith-width-limit |
div |
删除宽度限制,可以让 blockquote 展开至最大,与 with-narrow-width 冲突 |
offwith-grid-gap |
.grider 等 |
删除网格布局中各个块之间的间隙 |
:root {
--lh-paper-bg: 255, 251, 240; /* 便签纸的背景色 */
--lh-string-color: 192, 57, 43; /* 便签纸隔离绳的颜色 */
--lh-book-color: var(--gray-monochrome); /* 书衣的颜色 */
--lh-tape-color: 90,90,90,0.3; /* 便签纸胶带的颜色 */
--lh-white-bg: 249,249,249; /* 部分元素的白色背景 */
--lh-dark-bg: 50, 50, 50; /* 部分元素的黑色背景 */
--lh-highlighter: var(--bright-accent); /* 高亮文字的装饰线颜色 */
--lh-border-color: var(--gray-monochrome); /* 部分元素的边框颜色 */
--lh-wiki-note-color: var(--bright-accent); /* 维基笔记的颜色 */
--lh-note-title: "批注"; /* 维基笔记的标题 */